Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Project Head Applications NOW OPEN!

Hi guys! Psyche is now accepting project head applications
for the Second Semester of S.Y. 2012-2013.
Kindly check the Links tab to download the
Project Head Application Kit Second Semester.
Instructions, guidelines, and important details are
included in the kit.  Please ask any of the officers,
or message us in Facebook for the password.

Thank you!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

NCMH Visit!

Hi guys!
Join us for the last NCMH Visit this semester.
Don't miss it! :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Last Lecture Series Part 2!

Did you miss the Last Lecture Series last week?
Worry not, because we have another one for you!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Food For Your Mood!

Are you feeling happy? Excited?
Sad? Angry?
Confused? Tired?

Ateneo Psyche brings you
Visit us during Psych Week in Colayco Pavillion.
See you there!

Get Psyched!

In celebration of Father Bu's birthday on Sept 22, 2012,
Ateneo Psyche brings you PSYCHOLOGY WEEK!
We'll be having Tambay Week and tons of projects during
Psych Week.  Visit us in Colayco Pav on Sept 16 to 21, 2012!
See you!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Artists' Corner Part 2!

Interested to learn the tips and tricks of Adobe Photoshop?
Join us in our second session of Artists' Corner!

Seats with computers are limited, so make sure you arrive early!
You may also bring your laptops, because we are going to learn
about Adobe Photoshop!

See you there!:)

The Last Lecture Series is here!

If it were your last chance to give a lecture, what would it be?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Artists' Corner Part 1

Hi Psyche!

Artists' Corner is on Friday, August 31, 2012.
This is Pub's very first talk, so please join us!
Here's our chance to actually have a speaker to teach us
the fundamentals of art and a little bit of Adobe Photoshop :D

Saturday, August 25, 2012

InPSYder Issue 2012

Love writing? Modeling? Layouting?
And handling magazine logistics?
If you're interested, sign-up here! 
Because this might just be your last chance before the world ends.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Open NCMH Visit!

If you remember last month, the Open NCMH Visit was cancelled due to the heavy rains.
So, Open NCMH Visit is moved to this Saturday, August 25, 2012!

Psych majors, make sure to invite your non-Psych friends, because this is their chance to experience and see the mental health sector.  Let us share our time to make our friends in NCMH happy!:)

Waver forms will be posted in Psyche Room (MVP 305) by Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning!

*People who signed-up last month will be given priority =)*

Monday, July 30, 2012


We are invited to join De La Salle Unviersity as it welcomes its freshies this coming Friday!  Tickets are still available! Contact any of our officers or send us a message if you want to avail tickets!

Friday, July 27, 2012

1st Team Building

Do you want to meet and know more about your fellow Psyche members?
We will have our first team building on Saturday!

Now that we had our "Reaping" in our General Assembly,
it is time to let the real games begin!

May the odds be ever in your favor!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Don't Lose Hope! Sign-up Here!

Calling all Psyche members!

For those who weren't able to go to the 1st and 2nd GA and wish to sign-up as volunteer in any of our projects, visit the link below! We're still accepting volunteers! :)  This is the time to step-up and let go of those fears. We'll be here for you every step of the way!

This link will also be available in our Links tab for future references.  Thank you!

PsychEd Talk 1: Infidelity

What is the psychology behind infidelity among couples?
You know you want to know :>
Join us in Ateneo Psyche's first PsychEd talk.

For those who are interested, kindly join our events page at:

Open NCMH Visit on July 21, 2012!

Now is the chance to learn new things about the mental health sector.
Reach out to others in need!
Join us and bring your friends as Open NCMH Visit is open to non-Psyche members!

For those who are interested, please join our events page at:

CeMent! Apply Now!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

CeMent Part 1 Is Here!

Hello Psyche!

In case you are wondering, CeMent or Centralized Mentorship is
Ateneo Psyche's yearlong leadership development program.

Join us in this talk, and you might just find out the leader in you!

To project heads and to those who are interested, kindly fill up this form:

We'll be announcing the venue of the talk really soon, so don't forget to check it out!

See you!

For more information, please contact the CeMent director,
Pat Cruz at 09178503748.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Psyche's RecWeek Video!

Here is Psyche's OrSem video.  Enjoy!

Hello Psych Majors!
Now look at Freud, now back to me.  Now back at Freud, now back to me.
Sadly, he isn't me.
But if you stop memorizing your theories and start applying them into your life,
You could be just like me.

Look down.
Back up!

Where are you?  You're in the Psych Department!
Now you're on a roll with a mind your mind can think like: PSYCHED!
What's in your head? THOUGHT BUBBLES!
Now back to me.
I offer you Psyche with people that have the same course as you.
Now look again; these people can be your closest friends and families!
Anything is possible when your mind applies what you learn from Psyche and books.

I have a mushroom.
Thank you for watching!
Join Ateneo Psyche during RecWeek on June 25 to 29, 2012!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

RecWeek Is Almost Here!

Psych Majors!  Are you excited to see the 50+ organizations in Ateneo?

The most awaited RecWeek will be held on June 25 to 29, 2012.

Don't forget to join your home organization, Ateneo Psyche! :)

See you there!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

List of Project Heads

Congratulations to the following project heads!

Your respective VPs will contact you regarding the Planning Seminar on May 4 to 6, 2012.
Necessary files such as Project Head Checklist and Promotional Requests Form,
are uploaded in the Files tab.  Good luck!

Friday, April 20, 2012